Between Investing and Trading
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Charting position and swing trades in alt coins, and further charts in BTC, for the coming cycle and beyond.

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No moonshots, just technical analysis
The primary direction and strategy of the alts page is to steer a middle course between trading and investing, with the aim of subscribers realizing some real wealth in the not-too-distant future, i.e.; the taking of some profit over the course of the next cycle peak.

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He has written articles for the past 5 years via Substack. The article library on this site can substitute for the Substack. Try the first one for free via the button below.
Manage risk at all times
Warning: this page is not for those who are just passively looking for signals/ trades to follow for the shortest-term gains. It provides plenty of guide-lines, but those signing up also need to actively engage with the material and be an agent of their own trades aka practicing their own risk management.

A strategy that focuses on profitability and stability
Medium Term
The page is primarily focused on the medium-term swing trades [time frame of weeks/ months] all in the context of longer-term position/ cyclical trades/ investment.
Best Quality
These have a much higher probability of success compared to leveraged short term day trades, all with current buy and sell signals and with a previous record on the chart.
Risk Management
Over and above this is an ongoing discussion on strategy/ risk management.
About Dave the Wave
A little about me. I’ve a post graduate degree in philosophy, history of science, and the humanities, which equips me well to understand both the nature of markets (herd psychology/ probabilities etc.) and the nature of the macro issues involved underlying monetary systems.
I first developed my charting skills with the bull market in gold and silver a few years back, and have found that Crypto is even better to chart.
What members say
"hey wanted to leave you a feedback for the tv link. the charts are really clean for me, they look great, everything is easy to follow and you have a clear overview. really great work you are the best :)
“... you've put on these things has been revolutionary for me in providing the perspective. I've always been open minded, but clearly haven't been open minded enough to get past my nose on some of this. So thank you immensely, Dave!”
Gday Dave... mate I absolutely love the page. I think im one of the earlier subscribers and have learnt a truckload. Actually not sure id still be here if it werent for you so thanks for everything